- end system-to-intermediate system
- Сетевые технологии: оконечная система - промежуточная система, оконечная система - транзитная система
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
End-to-end principle — The end to end principle is one of the central design principles of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) widely used on the Internet as well as in other protocols and distributed systems in general. The principle states that, whenever possible … Wikipedia
Intermediate-range ballistic missile — An intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM) is a ballistic missile with a range of 3,000 5,500 km (1,865 3,420 miles), between a medium range ballistic missile and an intercontinental ballistic missile. Classifying ballistic missiles by range… … Wikipedia
postal system — System that allows persons to send letters, parcels, or packages to addressees in the same country or abroad. Postal systems are usually government run and paid for by a combination of user charges and government subsidies. There are early… … Universalium
nervous system, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction system that conducts stimuli from sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord and that conducts impulses back to other parts of the body. As with other higher vertebrates, the human nervous system has two main… … Universalium
Yoshizawa-Randlett system — The origami crane diagram, using the Yoshizawa Randlett system The Yoshizawa Randlett system is a diagramming system used to describe the folds of origami models. Many origami books begin with a description of basic origami techniques which are… … Wikipedia
North Warning System — emblem Map of all coordinates from Google Map of all coordinates fro … Wikipedia
endocrine system, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction group of ductless glands (gland) that regulate body processes by secreting chemical substances called hormones (hormone). Hormones act on nearby tissues or are carried in the bloodstream to act on specific target organs… … Universalium
renal system — ▪ anatomy Introduction in humans (human body), organ system that includes the kidneys, where urine is produced, and the ureters, bladder, and urethra for the passage, storage, and voiding of urine. In many respects the human excretory, or… … Universalium
rocket and missile system — ▪ weapons system Introduction any of a variety of weapons systems that deliver explosive warheads to their targets by means of rocket propulsion. Rocket is a general term used broadly to describe a variety of jet propelled missiles… … Universalium
reproductive system, animal — Introduction any of the organ systems by which animals reproduce. The role of reproduction is to provide for the continued existence of a species; it is the process by which living organisms duplicate themselves. Animals compete with… … Universalium
Nervous system — Nerve redirects here. For other uses, see Nerve (disambiguation). This article is about the nervous system. For parts of the nervous system commonly called nerves, see Peripheral nerve. Nervous system The Human N … Wikipedia